FLM 120 – HELP!

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(0:00 – 0:32)
Hello everyone, I’m Dr. Michael Mantell with Bonnie Rabinovitch Mantel, owner and managing partner of the Primus Family Law Group with another Family Law Matters. Hi Bonnie. Hi Michael, it is such a pleasure to do these with you.

How are you doing today? Doing well, thank you very, very much. I appreciate you asking. Bonnie, divorce is not a do-it-yourself project, is it? Not 99% of the cases, no, it’s not.

(0:33 – 2:25)
It could be mediation, which does cut down on the cost and the tension and all the acrimony, but it’s certainly not something that one necessarily is going to do fairly successfully on his or her own. So, if people think that they’re going to cut a corner and that they’re going to hire, let’s say, a paralegal, that’s not to put a paralegal down, because paralegals do provide tremendous services. But if they think they can do this without the insight and the professionalism of a certified family law professional, what do you have to say to them? Only too often, Michael, do people come to me after having somebody either done it themselves or having it done by someone who is truly not licensed to practice law.

You have to go to law school and pass the bar and become licensed, be sworn in. So, when they go to these extraneous individuals or they try to do it themselves, then they come to me and try to fix it. And that always ends up being more expensive.

Even if, like you said, mediation or two parties have everything down, how they want to split and do and children and support, that’s great. But it’s still worth the fewer dollars in the short run and long run to hire an attorney to at least draft the forms and take you through the process, because there are procedural requirements, there are timing delays, there are certain things that we do every day and that makes it actually more cost efficient. Most of the stuff that we do as certified family law specialists, we don’t have to research.

(2:26 – 4:55)
Most of the things that people think they can do on their own, we don’t have to research. So, it takes us less time, which is less cost, to do it for you. And oftentimes, we can have a paralegal do it.

But guess what? In all offices, a paralegal must be supervised by an attorney because they don’t practice law without a license. So, yes, come see us. The fact is that, like I tell my own clients, if you think hiring a professional is expensive, will you hire an amateur? Oh my God, so much.

So much so. Yeah. And it’s not because we want to gouge the, we want to get you through the process.

Team Primus wants to make sure you do it. If you’re doing this, do it once, do it right the first time, so you can be in and out without the trauma drama. Google is not the best attorney.

It’s not the best doctor. It’s not the best therapist. May offer you a little bit of information, but at the end of the day, you need to have the education and the experience that a certified family law specialist such as you and your team at Primus Family Law bring.

If people have questions about this and are curious about this, how can they be in touch to get some answers? They can reach us directly at 619-574-8000. And you will be put on my calendar for a free 30 minute phone consultation. Or you can reach us on our website at www.PrimusFamilyLaw.com. There’s a form you can fill out and that gets submitted to us and we respond within 24-48 hours and we put you on my calendar for that free consultation.

We look forward to trying to help you through it. And there’s no obligation if someone speaks to you for half an hour and wants to pick your brain and get some information and guidance. There’s no obligation, obviously, right? Absolutely.

There’s no obligation until you guys sign a contract and it’s made you want us to represent you. No, these are free 30 minute consultations to see how we can help you get through this process. Thanks very much, Bonnie.

We’ll see you soon for another Family Law Matters. Thank you, Michael. You have a great day.

You too, dear. Bye-bye.