Establishment of Parental Relationships

When two unmarried persons have a child and the relationship breaks down, an action is required to establish the Parent-Child Relationship and either parent may file this action. A parent may absolutely know he or she is the child’s parent and be willing to admit to parentage. If a parent doubts the parentage, a DNA test can be taken. Once the parent-child relationship is legally determined, that parent is not only entitled to custody and visitation but is also responsible for the child’s financial support and maintenance. Our Primus Family Law Group attorneys have many years of experience handling parentage actions in San Diego.

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We understand that choosing the right Family Law attorney can be very challenging. It is our passion to help our clients, their families, and their children achieve what is right and reasonable for their situation. At Primus Family Law Group, we offer a Complimentary 30 Minute Phone Consultation to see how we can do just that.

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