FLM-155-Sharing on Halloween

AdminBlog Posts, Primus Videos


(0:00 – 2:21)
Welcome to Family Law Matters. I’m Dr. Michael Mantell, always privileged to be joining Bonnie Rabinovitch-Mantel, who’s the owner and managing partner of the Primus Family Law Group. Hi, Bonnie.

Hi, Michael. How are you today? I’m good. Bonnie, what are you wearing for Halloween? Well, you know what? I go traditionally.

I wear a devil’s tail and some devil’s horns, and that’s about as Halloween. But I do decorate my whole house, Michael. I do.

I know, I know. And the devil is a perfect fit for you. Okay, let’s just go on.

Now, we’re going to talk about this one day holiday when children just want to go out and get some candy and some fun trick-or-treating and be with their friends. But mom says, but it’s my day. And dad says, but it’s my day.

And the kid says, but daddy has a better neighborhood for more goodies. How do we deal with this through the eyes of a family law professional? Well, you know, Michael, people hear this and can’t believe that reasonable adults will argue over essentially a four-hour holiday, right? It’s not even a whole day. It’s the evening.

You’re not going to go trick-or-treating during the day. So always, I’m always about what’s best for the children. And if dad’s neighborhood is better than, you know, either we allow the kid to go, or it’s, hey, you know, you still have to make traditions over at mom’s house.

If you guys don’t have orders, because the court will carve out all the holidays, Michael. They will have them and day here and a day there. And if you don’t have court orders, and you’re just trying to get along or just try to get along, just try to be flexible.

Just try to understand that this is your, you know, it’s your kid’s holiday. In fact, as a parent, I would have given my children away. I don’t want them coming back home, sugared up at nine o’clock at night.

Take them, here go. Because what’s the big deal? You’re showing your child that you can be flexible. You’re showing your child that it’s more important that they have fun than you fight with the other side.

(2:22 – 2:47)
Well said. That’s very well said. I find that the parents that I am working with who reach the zenith of emotional well-being are the ones who say, this is not about me.

It’s about my child. As you say, it’s not even all day holiday. So mom and dad, listen to the family lawyer, figure out a way to make it all about the child.

(2:49 – 2:56)
Bonnie, thanks for another wonderful Family Law Matters. Thank you, Michael. It’s always a joy to work with you.

(2:56 – 3:27)
Before we go, if people have questions and they want to reach you, how can they be in touch? Well, they can reach us directly at 619-574-8000. And you will get placed on my calendar for a free 30 minute phone consultation, or you can reach us online at www.PrimusFamilyLaw.com. There’s a form to fill out and we will get you through to that consult.